How to Get the Most Out of Contact Form 7

How to Get the Most Out of Contact Form 7

Contact Form 7 (CF7) is a popular and versatile WordPress plugin that simplifies creating and managing contact forms on your website. Whether you want to collect inquiries, feedback, or customer data, CF7 provides an intuitive solution. In this guide, we’ll explore the critical features of CF7 and introduce you to some top extensions to help you maximize its potential.

Contact Form 7: A Brief Overview

Contact Form 7 is known for its user-friendly interface and flexibility. It allows you to create customized forms quickly, even if you don’t have extensive coding knowledge. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Installation: Install the CF7 plugin from the WordPress repository, activate it, and you’re ready to go.
  2. Create a Form: Go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Contact > Add New. You’ll find a default contact form; you can customize it or create new documents from scratch.
  3. Add Fields: Use the provided shortcodes to add various fields to your form, such as name, email, message, or any other information you need.
  4. Customize: Tailor the form’s appearance and behavior using the settings and CSS stylesheets.
  5. Integration: CF7 integrates seamlessly with email marketing tools like Mailchimp, allowing you to build your email list effortlessly.

Other Tabs: Mail and Messages

Beyond the basic form creation, two essential tabs within CF7 deserve your attention: Mail and Messages.

  • Mail Tab: This section allows you to set up email notifications. Configure where the messages should be sent, customize email subjects, and even include dynamic content from the form.
  • Messages Tab: Customize the messages displayed to users upon submission. You can personalize the success and error messages to align with your website’s tone and branding.

Now that you understand CF7’s core functionality let’s explore some top extensions that can supercharge your contact forms.

How can I speed up my Contact Form 7?

Improving the speed of CF7 and its forms on your WordPress website involves optimizing various aspects. Here are some tips to help you speed up CF7:

  • Keep Your WordPress Site Lightweight: Ensure your website runs efficiently by minimizing unnecessary plugins, using a lightweight theme, and optimizing images.
  • Use a Caching Plugin: Utilize a caching plugin like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache to store static copies of your pages, reducing server load and improving load times.
  • Minimize JavaScript and CSS: Contact Form 7 functions with JavaScript and CSS files. Ensure that these files are minimized and optimized for faster loading.
  • Optimize Images: If your forms include images, optimize them for the web to reduce file size and improve load times.
  • Consider Lazy Loading: Implement lazy loading for images and iframes within your forms, ensuring they load only when visible on the user’s screen.
  • Choose a Reliable Hosting Provider: Opt for a hosting provider with fast server performance and low latency.
  • Regularly Update Plugins and WordPress: Keep Contact Form 7 and all other plugins and WordPress itself up-to-date to benefit from performance improvements and security updates.

By following these tips, you can help improve the speed of your Contact Form 7 and your entire WordPress site.

How do I beautify Contact Form 7?

To make your Contact Form 7 forms more visually appealing and aligned with your website’s design, you can consider the following beautification techniques:

  • CSS Styling: Utilize CSS to customize the appearance of your forms. You can change colors, fonts, margins, and padding to match your website’s theme.
  • Use Form Templates: Some themes and plugins offer pre-designed templates that you can import and customize to beautify your forms.
  • Add Icons: Include icons next to form fields or buttons to make them more visually engaging. You can use icon fonts or SVG for this purpose.
  • Improve Typography: Ensure your form’s text is well-formatted with clear typography choices. Use appropriate font sizes, line spacing, and font styles.
  • Responsive Design: Make sure your forms are responsive, seamlessly adjusting to different screen sizes and devices.
  • Background Images: Add images or patterns to your forms to enhance their visual appeal.
  • Consider Typography Animation: If your website’s style is appropriate, you can add subtle animations to form elements, such as input fields or buttons.
  • Remove Unnecessary Fields: Simplify your forms by only including essential fields to reduce clutter and improve user experience.

Customizing the appearance of your Contact Form 7 forms can significantly enhance their aesthetics and make them more user-friendly.

Is Contact Form 7 any good?

Contact Form 7 is a widely used and reliable WordPress plugin for creating forms. It has several advantages:

  • Ease of Use: Contact Form 7 is user-friendly and suitable for beginners and experienced users.
  • Flexibility: It allows you to create various forms, from simple contact forms to more complex ones with custom fields and functionality.
  • Integration: It can be easily integrated with other plugins and services, such as email marketing tools, payment gateways, and CRM systems.
  • Cost-Effective: Contact Form 7 is free and open-source, making it an attractive option for those on a budget.

However, it’s important to note that Contact Form 7 may not have the same level of advanced features or design options as some premium form builder plugins. Depending on your specific requirements, you might consider premium alternatives if you need more extensive customization, advanced features, or dedicated support.

Top Seven Contact Form 7 Extensions

1. Conditional Fields for Contact Form 7

The Conditional Fields for the CF7 extension enable you to create dynamic forms. You can show or hide fields based on the user’s input, making your documents more user-friendly and efficient.


2. PayPal & Stripe Add-on

If you want to accept payments through your contact forms, the PayPal & Stripe Add-on is a must-have. It seamlessly integrates PayPal and Stripe payment gateways into your CF7 forms, making it easy for customers to pay directly for your products or services through the form.

3. Simple CAPTCHA

Security is paramount when it comes to online forms. The Simple CAPTCHA extension helps protect your documents from spam by adding a CAPTCHA challenge. It’s simple for users but effective in keeping bots at bay.

4. Contact Form 7 Skins

Enhance the visual appeal of your forms with the Contact Form 7 Skins extension. It offers pre-designed skins to easily apply to your records, ensuring a consistent and attractive look throughout your website.

5. CF7 Autoresponder (Premium)

With the CF7 Autoresponder extension, you can set up automated email responses to users who submit your forms. This is ideal for sending thank-you messages, confirmation emails, or providing additional information immediately after submission.

6. Contact Form 7 Storage (Premium)

The Contact Form 7 Storage extension provides a valuable feature by storing all form submissions in your WordPress database. This allows you to access and export user data for analysis or follow-up communication.

7. CF7 Drop Uploader (Premium)

Allow users to upload files with ease using the CF7 Drop Uploader extension. It simplifies receiving attachments through your forms, making it suitable for job applications, image submissions, or any scenario requiring file uploads.


Contact Form 7 is a powerful tool for managing forms on your WordPress website. By mastering its core features and exploring these top extensions, you can create highly functional and customized forms that cater to your needs.

To further enhance your WordPress website, consider implementing a WordPress Registration Page. This additional feature allows you to engage with your users more effectively and expand your online presence. Check out our article here for a comprehensive guide on creating a WordPress Registration Page.

Incorporate these strategies and extensions into your website’s contact forms to streamline communication, gather data efficiently, and provide an excellent user experience for your audience. With CF7 and its wings, the possibilities are endless.

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