Send Email Newsletters from Your WordPress Site

Send Email Newsletters from Your WordPress Site

Email newsletters have been a staple in digital marketing for years. They are a powerful tool for engaging with your audience, promoting products or services, and driving traffic to your website. If you’re using WordPress as your content management system, you might wonder whether to send email newsletters directly from your WordPress site or use specialized email marketing services. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of both approaches to help you make an informed decision.

Relevance of Email

Email newsletters remain relevant in the digital age. They offer direct communication with your audience, allowing you to deliver personalized content, updates, and promotions to their inboxes. The key is to balance informative and engaging content to keep your subscribers interested.

Send Email Newsletters from Your Site

Sending email newsletters directly from your WordPress site can be tempting, especially if you want to simplify your workflow. Here are some reasons why it might be a good choice:


Many WordPress plugins are available for sending newsletters; some are free. This can be a cost-effective solution for small businesses and bloggers with limited budgets.

Full Control

When you Send Email Newsletters from your WordPress site, you have complete control over your email list and the content you send. You can customize the design and timing of your emails to align with your brand’s identity.


WordPress newsletter plugins often integrate seamlessly with your website’s existing content, making it easier to repurpose blog posts or updates into newsletter content.

Direct Audience Interaction

Sending emails from your site allows you to interact directly with your subscribers, fostering a sense of community and trust.

Why You Shouldn’t Send Email Newsletters

While sending newsletters directly from your WordPress site has its advantages, it’s not without its drawbacks. Here are four key reasons why you might want to reconsider:

Plugins Can’t Always Prevent Your Newsletters from Becoming Spam

One of the significant challenges when sending email newsletters directly from your WordPress site is the risk of your emails being marked as spam. While WordPress Send Email Newsletters plugins offer basic spam prevention mechanisms, they may not be as robust as those provided by specialized email marketing services.

Spam filters employed by email service providers, such as Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook, are continuously evolving to identify and filter out unsolicited or suspicious emails. Plugins may lack the sophistication to adapt to these changing filters, increasing the chances of your newsletters ending up in recipients’ spam folders.

Several factors contribute to newsletters being flagged as spam:

Sender Reputation:

Email marketing services often have established sender reputations, which can enhance email deliverability. When you send newsletters directly from your WordPress site, your sender reputation may not be as well-established, making it easier for spam filters to categorize your emails as potential spam.

Content Analysis:

Email marketing services utilize advanced content analysis algorithms to assess the content of your emails. They can identify common spam triggers, such as excessive use of specific keywords or misleading subject lines. WordPress plugins may not offer the same level of content analysis.

Authentication and DKIM/SPF Records:

Email marketing services set up authentication protocols like DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) and SPF (Sender Policy Framework) to verify the authenticity of emails. This verification process can help prevent emails from being flagged as spam. WordPress plugins may not provide robust support for these authentication methods.

Feedback Loops:

Email marketing services often have feedback loops with major email providers. They receive data on how recipients interact with emails (e.g., marking them as spam or unsubscribing). This feedback helps them maintain a positive sender reputation. WordPress plugins may not have access to such feedback loops.

Your Hosting Provider May Have Email Limits

When considering whether to send email newsletters directly from your WordPress site, you must be aware of the limitations imposed by your hosting provider. Most hosting providers implement restrictions on the number of emails you can send per day or hour. These email limits are set to prevent server overloads and maintain the overall performance of shared hosting environments.

Here are some key aspects to consider regarding hosting provider email limits:

Daily and Hourly Limits:

Hosting providers typically define both daily and hourly email-sending limits. For instance, your hosting plan might allow you to send a certain number of emails per day (e.g., 500 emails) and limit the number you can send per hour (e.g., 50 emails). These limits can vary significantly depending on your hosting package.

Shared Resources:

Shared hosting environments, where multiple websites share the same server resources, are likelier to have strict email limits. If one website on the server sends a large volume of emails, it could impact the email deliverability of other websites on the same server, including yours.

Risk of Suspension:

Exceeding your hosting provider’s email limits can result in suspending your email-sending capabilities or your entire hosting account. This can disrupt your website and email services, causing inconvenience for you and your audience.

Impact on Deliverability:

Sending a high volume of emails from your WordPress site can affect email deliverability. When you approach or exceed your hosting provider’s limits, emails may be delayed or not delivered, leading to a poor user experience and reduced engagement with your newsletters.

To address these limitations, it’s essential to:

  • Check Your Hosting Plan: Review your hosting provider’s terms of service or contact their support team to understand the email-sending limits associated with your hosting plan.
  • Consider Dedicated Email Services: If you anticipate sending many newsletters or have concerns about hitting email limits, consider using dedicated email marketing services. These services are designed to handle high email volumes and are less likely to be subject to hosting-related limitations.
  • Monitor Email Usage: Keep track of your email sending volume to ensure you stay within your hosting provider’s limits. If you frequently approach these limits, it may be a sign that you’ve outgrown your hosting plan and should explore alternatives.

Automation and Integrations Can Save Time and Money

While sending email newsletters directly from your WordPress site may offer simplicity and cost-effectiveness, it’s crucial to recognize the significant advantages that dedicated email marketing services provide regarding automation and integrations.

Here are key reasons why automation and integrations can be game-changers for your email marketing efforts:

Time Efficiency:

Email marketing services offer robust automation features that allow you to set up and schedule email campaigns in advance. This means you can create a series of newsletters, set the delivery times, and let the system take care of the rest. This automation saves you time and ensures that your emails reach your subscribers at the optimal moments for engagement.


Email marketing services often provide advanced personalization options. You can segment your email list based on various criteria, such as demographics, past behavior, or purchase history—this level of personalization results in more relevant content and higher engagement rates.

Drip Campaigns:

Drip campaigns, an automated email sequence, can nurture leads and guide them through your sales funnel. These campaigns automatically send a series of emails to subscribers based on their actions or time intervals. Drip campaigns are incredibly effective for lead nurturing and can significantly impact conversion rates.

Integration with E-commerce Platforms:

If your WordPress site includes an online store, email marketing services often integrate seamlessly with popular e-commerce platforms like WooCommerce. This integration lets you send automated product recommendations, abandoned cart reminders, and order confirmations.

Analytics and Reporting:

Email marketing services come equipped with sophisticated analytics tools that provide insights into the performance of your email campaigns. You can track open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and more. These analytics help you refine your email strategy and optimize future campaigns.


A/B Testing:

Many email marketing services allow you to conduct A/B tests to determine which email subject lines, content, or designs perform better. This data-driven approach helps you make informed decisions and improve your email marketing results.


Email marketing services can handle the scaling requirements as your subscriber list grows. They are designed to manage large volumes of emails efficiently without impacting deliverability.

While using WordPress plugins for email newsletters may provide simplicity, it’s essential to recognize that dedicated email marketing services offer a comprehensive suite of features that can enhance the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns. While there may be associated costs with using these services, the time saved and improved results often outweigh the investment.

Email Marketing Services Have Built-In Analysis Tools

When sending email newsletters, one of the significant advantages of using dedicated email marketing services is the presence of built-in analysis tools. These tools provide valuable insights and data to help refine your email marketing strategy and improve your campaign’s effectiveness.

Here’s why built-in analysis tools are a crucial asset:

Detailed Performance Metrics:

Email marketing services offer a range of performance metrics, including open rates, click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, bounce rates, and unsubscribe rates. These metrics provide a comprehensive view of how your email campaigns are performing.

Subscriber Engagement:

You can track your subscribers’ engagement by analyzing metrics such as when an email was opened, the links clicked, and the content resonating most. Understanding subscriber behavior allows you to tailor your content to their preferences.

A/B Testing Insights:

Many email marketing services support A/B testing, allowing you to test different elements of your emails, such as subject lines, content, or send times. The analysis tools provide data on which variations performed better, helping you make data-driven decisions for future campaigns.

Conversion Tracking:

Email marketing services often offer conversion tracking, enabling you to measure the impact of your emails on specific actions you want subscribers to take, such as making a purchase, signing up for a webinar, or downloading a resource.

List Segmentation Insights:

These tools provide insights into how different email list segments respond to your campaigns. You can identify which parts have higher engagement and tailor content accordingly.

Historical Data:

Over time, email marketing services accumulate historical data on your campaigns. This data helps you identify trends and patterns in subscriber behavior, allowing you to make strategic adjustments.

Reporting and Visualization:

Email marketing platforms typically offer user-friendly dashboards and reports visually representing your campaign performance. These reports make it easy to grasp the impact of your efforts at a glance.


Some email marketing services provide benchmarking data that allows you to compare your campaign performance with industry averages. This insight can help you set realistic goals and expectations.

Feedback Loops:

Email marketing services often have feedback loops with major email providers, which can inform how recipients interact with your emails (e.g., marking them as spam or unsubscribing). This feedback helps you maintain a positive sender reputation.

By leveraging the built-in analysis tools offered by email marketing services, you comprehensively understand your email campaign’s effectiveness. This data-driven approach empowers you to make informed decisions, optimize your content, and continually improve your email marketing strategy.


Email newsletters remain a potent marketing tool, but your method for sending them should align with your objectives and resources. Evaluate your needs carefully and consider the pros and cons outlined in this article to make the right decision for your WordPress site.

For more insights on optimizing your WordPress site and enhancing your digital marketing efforts, check out our “Best Free WooCommerce Plugins” guide here.


Q1: What are email newsletters, and why are they necessary for websites?

A1: Send Email Newsletters are regular emails sent to subscribers containing updates, information, promotions, or content from a website. They are essential for websites because they provide a direct communication channel with the audience, foster engagement, and drive traffic and conversions.

Q2: What are the advantages of sending email newsletters directly from my WordPress site?

A2: Sending email newsletters from your WordPress site can be cost-effective, give you complete control over content and design, and seamlessly integrate with your website’s existing content.

Q3: What are the disadvantages of sending email newsletters directly from my WordPress site?

A3: Disadvantages include potential spam issues, email sending limits imposed by hosting providers, limited automation capabilities, and fewer built-in analytics tools.

Q4: How can I prevent newsletters sent from my WordPress site from ending in spam folders?

A4: To prevent newsletters from being marked as spam, use high-quality plugins, maintain a good sender reputation, and follow email best practices. Alternatively, consider dedicated email marketing services with robust spam prevention features.

Q5: What should I do if I exceed my hosting provider’s email limits?

A5: If you consistently reach or exceed email limits set by your hosting provider, consider upgrading your hosting plan or migrating to a hosting service with higher email-sending capabilities. Alternatively, use dedicated email marketing services.
