
What are WordPress in Subdomain

What is a Subdomain? Before we delve into the profound impact that WordPress subdomains can have on your online presence,
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Discourse community: Evolutions with time

Integrating WordPress and Discourse In the dynamic landscape of online communities (discourse community), the fusion of WordPress and Discourse has
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Website Maintenance Plan importance in Online Success

What is a Website Maintenance Plan? A Website Maintenance Plan stands as a proactive and systematic approach to uphold the
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How to Change the Author in WordPress

WordPress is a versatile platform that allows multiple users to collaborate on a single website. Each user has their own
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How wp logo plugin Boost your Website

A logo, as one of the most recognizable elements of this identity, serves as a symbol that embodies the core
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Html best practices 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, staying up to date with Html best practice is crucial. Html, or HyperText
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WordPress Fetch API: What are its Powers?

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, web developers and content creators need powerful tools to create dynamic and interactive websites. WordPress
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How to Use WordPress REST API

An Introduction to the WordPress REST API The WordPress REST API is a powerful tool that allows you to interact
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Semantic versioning and It’s Necessity

What Semantic Versioning Is Semantic Versioning, often abbreviated as SemVer, is a crucial version control system used in the realm
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What is Technical Debt and Can You Avoid It?

Introduction In the fast-paced world of software development, a term that often comes up is “Technical Debt.” It’s a concept
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